

Find out more about the services we offer

Clinics and Services

ABC clinic

The practice has started a new annual birthday check clinic. We will invite you on the month of your birthday for a annual review. Please speak to reception for further information.

Adult immunisations

We recommend that all adults should have a Tetanus booster every 10 years.

Asthma clinic

The practice nurses will see patients with asthma at any time during their surgery hours. Every year we offer asthmatics an asthma review. This usually involves a discussion about how well symptoms are controlled, as well as checking peak flow and inhaler technique.

Baby clinic

This is organised on Mondays and Friday AM (by appointment only) for routine six to eight week checks. The clinics also provide an opportunity for parents to discuss general health or developmental concerns. We ask you not to bring un-well children to this clinic but to book a regular appointment. Please remember to book baby's immunisation which is organised by our Practice nurses.

Breast screening clinic

Routine breast screening is available to all women aged 50 to 70. Women are routinely called every three years and the screening programme calls all women registered with Charlton House Medical Centre at the same time. Women are sent an appointment with the option to telephone and re-arrange the time if necessary. Women over 70 can be screened but only if they telephone to arrange an appointment.

See the London Breast Screening Website, which has more information about screening, changing appointments and checking when your GP practice is due next to be screened.

Certificates and disability benefits forms

To apply for some permits and benefits, your doctor needs to fill in and sign the forms as for those claiming incapacity and disability. For Freedom pass permits for the disabled, forms will only be filled by the doctor if it is requested by the local authority.

Changes to a form already filled in by one of our doctors should be made by the same doctor, but renewals can be made by any other doctor at our practice, who is familiar with you.

We do not complete naturalisation forms for patients applying to become British Citizens or countersign passport application forms.

Cervical smear tests

The practice offers a cervical smear screening service and all women between the ages of 25 and 64 will automatically be invited every three to five years to attend. The smear test is undertaken by our Practice Nurses. (By Appointment only). All eligible new patients will be offered an appointment for a smear test when they attend for the New Patient Check. The test results are usually available after about six weeks. Please ensure you attend for this important but simple test.

Chronic disease clinic

All long term illnesses monitored by the Practice Nurse (by appointment only). Spirometry clinics are held every Friday morning (by referral only).

Childhood immunisations

Childhood immunisations are administered in the nurses' clinics. Currently they are given to babies at 2, 3, 4, 12, and 13 months and to preschool children between the ages of 3 and 5. However, some immunisations may be given at the hospital soon after birth or at school. Please see the Haringey Council website for more information on immunisations. Your child may be eligible for the flu vaccine, so please ask any of our clinicians.

Please remember to respond to our reminder letters when a vaccination is due. If you have any worries or concerns about the immunisations, please speak to your doctor or nurse who will be happy to discuss this with you.

Contraception care

Our Practice nurses can provide advice on oral contraception. The Emergency contraception (morning after pill) can only be prescribed by a Doctor (by appointment only) on weekends the emergency morning after pill is available from Pharmacies.

Diabetic Clinic

The diabetic clinics are run by our nurse practitioners. For information on all aspects of diabetic care, please visit Diabetes UK and this website includes a useful guide to Type 2 diabetes.

Family planning and contraception

All our doctors and nurses give advice on family planning and contraception issues. Emergency contraception is available from our doctors or nurses and is effective if taken within 72 hours.

Flu vaccination

Find information about the flu jab, including who should have it, why and when

Learn more about flu vaccinations on the NHS website

Pain management clinic

All our clinicians prescribe pain relief for chronic pain. Our pain management clinic is for patients who have poorly controlled and complex pain. We also give injections in the joints.

Sexual health services

Free sexual health services are available at a number of clinics across Haringey.

See the Haringey Council website for details or you can visit our support page.

Smear tests and swabs

To pick up early signs of cervical cancer, we carry out routine smear tests once every 3 years on our female patients aged between 25 and 49 years. For those between 50 and 65 years smears will be done once every 5 years. However, tests will be performed more frequently if the results call for this. Vaginal swabs and tests for Chlamydia are not routinely carried out during cervical screening, but you can ask for separate appointments to have this done.

See the NHS webpage Cervical Screening for more information

Women, who have read all the facts and wish to withdraw from the screening programme please contact the practice.

Travel clinic

This is run by our Practice nurses (by appointment only) we are a registered Yellow Fever centre. Please note some injections are chargeable.

See our Travel Information page for more details

Women's health

Our doctors and nurses give advice on any issues affecting women and this includes contraception, the menopause, prenatal counselling or any other problems. You can request to see a female doctor if you prefer this.

Social link prescriber services

Meet Geraldine, the social link prescriber at Charlton House Medical Centre. Her job is to support patients with or signpost them to organisations within Haringey that can help with social issues, such as;

  • Benifit forms
  • Housing issues
  • Social isoldation
  • Anxiety
  • Bereavement Counselling
  • Help at home

Call the surgery for further information.

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